Wednesday, January 12, 2011

An incredible birthday

Yesterday, Callum turned 11 on the 11th of January, 2011.
We had a fantastic time. Callum even had dinner with the captain!
The chef had prepared a cake with penguins on it and he received
several presents from the crew and new friends, all in the penguin
theme of course.
We sailed all day and ended up at Lindblad cove where we Zodiaced
around. There were leopard seals, more Gentoo penguins and a couple
of humpback whales.
Last night we sailed further South. We will be exploring Booth island
as well as Petermann island, where Callum will help two scientists
with the penguin population census.
I've been getting up at 4 or 5 am to catch the early morning light
which is truly spectacular here.

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